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ShiftLead App

ShiftLead is a web application serving as an employment platform for brand ambassadors and a direct marketing tool for brands.
Art Direction
UI/UX Design
Web Design
Webflow Design
May 2023
Lead Product Designer


ShiftLead is a web application serving as an employment platform for brand ambassadors and a direct marketing tool for brands. Initially developed as a minimum viable product (MVP), it evolved into a comprehensive solution for the niche temporary staffing market.

I started as the lead product designer, focusing on UI, UX, and visual design. As the project progressed, I transitioned into the role of product owner, collaborating closely with stakeholders to shape the product roadmap.


Our objective was to attain an intuitive design that could be easily adopted by a first-time user while on the job, thereby minimizing workflow disruption. Success hinged on contracted staff's ability to self-onboard, apply for jobs, and manage payments with minimal managerial intervention.

Design Process

Contact me to learn more about the design process.


  • Valuable insights from user feedback and tools like Hotjar.
  • Clear onboarding descriptions improved user success.

The Result

  • Enhanced efficiency in onboarding and managing staff for brands
  • Positive user reviews highlighted a seamless experience for brand ambassadors.
  • The app's self-onboarding and payment systems reduced workload for managers, streamlining workflows.
ShiftLead UI - Events Dashboard
Events Dashboard
ShiftLead UI - Event Details Page
Event Details Page
ShiftLead UI - Completed Events Page
Completed Events Page
ShiftLead UI - Event Builder Page
Event Builder Page

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