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A series of employee interview videos for Helpfeel Inc., created as part of an ongoing recruitment drive.
Art Direction
Video Production
Helpfeel Inc.
Sep 2023
Art Direction


Helpfeel Inc., headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, is an enterprise search platform focused on enhancing self-service rates for customer support and internal knowledge bases.

These are a series of employee interview videos for Helpfeel Inc., created as part of an ongoing recruitment drive. They feature interviews with lead developers from different departments, aiming to showcase the company's culture and provide insight into each employee's personality.

As the art director, I collaborated with staff to create the interview questions. Subsequently, I storyboarded the videos, directed the shoot, and handled the editing process. The videos were shot on-location using a multi-camera setup, along with additional B-roll footage. They were then utilized on recruiting pages, web conferences, and social media platforms.

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