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Photo Giraffe

PhotoGiraffe is an experimental branding and SaaS side project aimed at testing the viability of an online photo curation and sharing service. The idea emphasizes quality over quantity, providing an intimate setting for sharing memories among friends, family, or colleagues.
UI/UX Design
No-Code Development
Service Design
User Testing
Side Project
Jan 2020
Webflow Designer


The concept behind PhotoGiraffe is to lead with your best shots, targeting the pain points of photographers who shoot a lot but procrastinate the editing and sharing process. Sharing hundreds of unedited shots is not ideal, so we believed that an algorithm that selects, edits, and shares the best 20 shots could be very appealing. These condensed galleries are branded as "stomps," and our assumption was that if these Stomps could be easily generated and shared, they could be popular.


The main question behind the PhotoGiraffe experiment was whether a SaaS that does the "thinking" for photographers would actually sell. To answer this question without extensive backend programming, we chose to automate as much as possible using no-code tools and a manual curation process behind the scenes to test our assumptions.


During testing, 6 out of 7 users expressed satisfaction with the service and indicated they would use it again. While not easily monetizable, the testing phase demonstrated potential for PhotoGiraffe as an interesting and valuable free tool.

Marketing LP


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